Friday, October 31, 2008

SERIOUSLY? ...idiocy abounds

I'm so proud to be an Aggie.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I stayed as far away from the MSC as possible last week because of events like this one. What an embarrassing day for Aggies. To actually be on CNN for something like absolutely ridiculous. Regardless of your views...this is just craziness.

First of all, I'd like to point out that the president of the YCT that spoke in the video said "there is no voice for conservatives here"...I just wonder if he and I go to the same school because Texas A&M is soooo very conservative. Don't worry Jay, you and your narrow-minded conservative organization have a voice here, and, as a more liberal student, I have experienced enough to know that the conservative voice is certainly heard more on this campus than the liberal one. Although I avoided this carnival like the plague, a classmate of mine didn't and she said that the conservative voice was very well heard during the YCT's "demonstration". Secondly, the day after the big carnival, I got my hands on one of the pamphlets they were passing out with information on Obama's economic policies...what a load of crap. If you're going to oppose a politician's views, that's fine and encouraged because everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but don't poison others' minds with false information to further support for your candidate. I understand that those claims are what you've convinced yourself to be true, and I feel sorry for you in that respect, but passing out false info doesn't help anyone--it just makes you look stupid. Thirdly, throwing an egg at a picture of Barack Obama doesn't offend me, and the girl that got upset because his picture was the target rather than his policies, is over reacting. Just the same that the "Beat The Hell Out Of Obama" / "Beat The Hell Out Of McCain" tshirts don't offend me. Everyone knows the meaning behind things like that (especially the BTHO thing...come on! anyone who knows anything about A&M knows that is not meant to be taken literally) and getting offended is, quite frankly, a waste of energy.

I actually have a class with the guy that spoke for the YCT in this video, and maybe I should ask him to discuss the candidates' policies with me...I wonder if he'll yell at me and tell me how stupid and "un-Christian" I am for supporting Barack, like some of the other conservatives I've talked to during this election have?

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