Friday, February 5, 2010

Growing Up

Time to put my "big girl" pants on!

I am moving into my apartment on February 10th. :) In case you didn't notice...that is 5 days from now. I'm really excited, but I'm also pretty nervous. I've always had roommates, so this will be different because I'll be completely on my own. I'm anxious to see how it goes :)

I'm taking the day off so that I can finish everything in one day. I've called in a sub to cover my classes for Wednesday, I've bribed my brother and some of his friends with breakfast burritos to help me move the big furniture (couch, table, dresser, etc) early that morning, and I'll spend the rest of the day moving the small stuff, putting together furniture, unpacking, organizing, hanging decorations, and, finally once all that is complete, I'll be winding down with a glass of wine in my very own apartment.

Yes, my apartment. Now that sounds nice...

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