Sunday, May 15, 2011

Too Soon, Dear Friend

I am stunned. I really don't think that I can process this thoroughly, yet.

I just got some terrible news. A very close friend of mine from high school died in a car accident early this morning. The countless memories I have with Patrick make this horrible news almost impossible to comprehend. FUMC youth trips and events, friday night movie marathons, after-prom bbq, alpha chi date parties, summer vacation randomness, late night drives around the neighborhood to hash out our problems, LP football games...He was a great friend.

I'm at a loss for words, so I'll let the pictures do the talking.

BBQ Summer 2006

Patty Whack at his finest...

Alpha Chi "Black & White Affair" -- best semi-formal date EVER

Two amazing people...gone much too soon

Always good for a laugh.'ll be missed, dear friend.


Mrs. Teacher said...

This breaks my've lost too many this year! Love you!

Callie said...

Thanks for the support Brittany. Lauren and Patrick were amazing people, and their presence will forever be felt by those that loved them.