Thursday, January 20, 2011

This too shall pass

I wish life didn't have to be so complicated. Just when I feel like everything has fallen into place, something happens and throws my life into a tailspin all over again.

For instance, after we signed the contract on the house, we had to get it inspected and apparently, inspections are always really scary. The inspector found out that the roof needs repairs and will have to be replaced in the next few years, and that the hot water heater was busted. GREAT. We can barely afford the house anyway, and now all of these extra expenses keep popping up. The good news: we were able to amend the contract and ask the sellers to fix the hot water heater, so we'll only be responsible for the roof repairs right now (and we'll deal with the roof replacement later).

Just as the house situation was straightened out, something had to go wrong with my car. My front tires have slow leaks, and both need to be replaced in the next week. GREAT. The good news: Because of all the money I'm having to put into the house, Daddy said he'd pay for them now and I'd just pay him back in installments as I can.

So, the problems with the house and my car are all fixed. Life is good. OH WAIT! I got a note from the apartment manager last night, and they need to do a "move-out inspection" to assess the damages I've done to the apartment in the year I've lived there. The inspection is scheduled for tomorrow. REALLY?! They couldn't have given me a little more notice than that? I've got to cancel my plans for tonight to make sure that the apartment is clean enough for the property manager to come and inspect it. GREAT.

I had a long talk about this yesterday with a fellow teacher (thanks for letting me vent, Brittany!) and the best thing she told me was, "This too shall pass". That phrase has helped me through the last 24 hours; if I hadn't kept repeating that to myself all day, I am absolutely positive that I would have physically shut down due to frustration...or thrown something across my classroom.

Life happens---so what? Roll with it, because this too shall pass.

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